When a person is diagnosed with cancer, their lives turn upside down and the whole process can be very overwhelming.  Art counselling can provide extra support. Art counselling is for you if you are looking for:
  • A new healing process.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • A program specifically designed to fit your needs.
  • Support through your journey.
  • Support getting back into your routine after treatment.
  • A relaxed, non threatening environment to re-create yourself through creativity.
  • Help combating negative thinking and bad habits.
  • A realization of your potential, self worth and increase your self esteem.
  • Assistance with pain management and to help relieve the psychological stress during, as well as after cancer treatment.
  • A deeper understanding of yourself and your needs as well as how to communicate them.
  • Couples counseling
  • One on one as well as Group counselling.
Art counselling works to facilitate a healing process, using art and creativity as a vehicle to recovery. People grow and flourish when they immerse themselves in the creative process. Art counselling combines traditional counselling techniques with creative activities to strengthen creativity, imagination and insight as well as logic, reasoning and analytic thought by allowing the client to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain when tackling psychological issues. Many different mediums such as – painting, drawing, sculpting, mosaic, decoupage, beading, woodwork, photography, poetry, writing, sensory activities and much more are used. NO ARTISTIC ABILITY IS NEEDED TO ATTEND ART COUNSELLING. For any further information or to book a session, contact Jade Fletcher on 082 099 2939 or fletcherartepeutic@gmail.com
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